História do Pensamento Econômico

1. Reflexões sobre a historiografia do pensamento econômico.



Mark Blaug. No History of Ideas, Please, We’re Economists. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2001

John Davis. Mark Blaug on the historiography of economics. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 2013.

Evelyn L. Forget ; Craufurd D. Goodwin. Intellectual Communities in the History of Economics. History of Political Economy, 2011.

2. Liberalismo



Helena Rosenblatt. The Lost History of Liberalism. Princeton University Press, 2018. Capítulos 1 e 2.

3. As Origens Intelectuais do Livre Comércio.


  • Douglas Irwin. Against the Tide. Princeton University Press, 1996. Cap.2-3.

Complementar - Mercantilismo

Bruce Elmslie. Early English Mercantilists and the Support of Liberal Institutions. History of Political Economy, 2015. Contextualiza o pensamento mercantilista durante o século 17.

William Deringer. “It Was Their Business to Know”: British Merchants and Mercantile Epistemology in the Eighteenth Century. History of Political Economy, 2017. Visão de Adam Smith sobre mercantilismo está associada ao pensamento do período 1713-1750.

4. Fisiocratas.


  • Roger Backhouse. The Penguin History of Economics. Cap.5. Penguin Books, 2002 (versão em português: História da Economia Mundial). Cap.5


  • Joseph Schumpeter. History of Economic Analysis Cap.4 (seção 3 – The Physiocrats).

5. Adam Smith


  • Christopher Berry. Adam Smith, A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018. Capítulos 5 e 6.

  • Emma Rothschild, Amartya Sen. Adam Smith’s Economics. Em: The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith (Ed. Haakonssen). Cambridge University Press, 2006. texto


Robert Prasch. The Ethics of Growth in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. History of Political Economy, 1991.

Dennis Rasmussen. Adam Smith on What Is Wrong with Economic Inequality. American Political Science Review, 2016.


6. Os Economistas Clássicos



Evidências sobre o modelo Malthusiano

James P. Huzel. Malthus, the Poor Law, and Population in Early Nineteenth-Century England. The Economic History Review, 1969.

Roy Ruffin. David Ricardo’s Discovery of Comparative Advantage. History of Political Economy, 2002.

Podcast: BBC in our time - David Ricardo

7. Karl Marx e o marxismo


  • Peter Singer. Marx, A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2000. cap2-7 cap8-9


Ivan VujaciC. Marx and Engels on development and underdevelopment: the restoration of a certain coherence. History of Political Economy, 1988.

Jon Elster. An Introduction to Karl Marx. Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Meu “podcast” sobre Marx.

8. Os marginalistas



Roger Backhouse. The Penguin History of Economics. Penguin Books, 2002. Cap.8.

E. Screpanti, S. Zamagni. An Outline of the History of Economic Thought. Oxford University Press, 2005. Capítulo 5 - The Triumph of Utilitarianism and the Marginalist Revolution.

Philip Mirowski. Physics and the ‘marginalist revolution’. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1984.

Mark Blaug. Was There a Marginal Revolution? History of Political Economy, 1972.

9. Alfred Marshall e a escola neoclássica



Alfred Marshall. The Old Generation of Economists and the New. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1897.

Giacomo Gabbuti. Between Pareto and Gini: The Origins of Personal Inequality Measurement in Italy, 1894–1939.History of Political Economy, 2020.

10. Escola Austríaca



Friedrich Hayek. The Use of Knowledge in Society. The American Economic Review, 1945.

Steven Horwitz. The Austrian Marginalists: Menger, Bohm-Bawerk, and Wieser. Em: Warren Samuels; Jeff Biddle; John Davis - A Companion to the History of Economic Thought (2003)

Janek Wasserman. The Marginal Revolutionaries: how Austrian economists fought the war of ideas. Yale University press, 2019. cap.6.

A impossibilidade do cálculo socialista

11. Schumpeter



Sylvia Nasar. A imaginação econômica. Companhia das letras, 2012. Cap.6 - Os últimos dias da humanidade: Schumpeter em Viena; Cap.8 - A rua sem alegria: Schumpeter e Hayek em Viena.

Joseph Schumpeter. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, 1942. Cap.7 - The Process of Creative Destruction.

12. Keynes



The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes

Robert Skidelsky. Keynes, A Very Short Introduction.Oxford University Press, 2010. Cap. 4-5

Keynes sobre o fim do padrão ouro

14. Friedman: metodologia


Outros tópicos

Escravidão e liberalismo.





Agnar Sandmo. Economics Evolving: A History of Economic Thought. Princeton University Press, 2011. Capítulo 12: Interest and Prices: Knut Wicksell and Irving Fisher.


Arie Arnon, Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Cap.17 - Wicksell’s Innovative Monetary Theory and Policy.

Mauro Boianovsky. Wicksell on Deflation in the Early 1920s. History of Political Economy, 1998.

Irving Fisher. The Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depressions. Econometrica, 1933.

William Allen. Irving Fisher, F. D. R., and the Great Depression. History of Political Economy, 1977.

Escola histórica alemã


F. Schinzinger. German Historical School. The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 1st edition, 1987.

Mauro Boianovsky. Friedrich List and the Economic Fate of Tropical Countries. History of Political Economy, 2013.


H. K. Betz. How does the German Historical School fit? History of Political Economy, 1988.

Heath Pearson. Was There Really a German Historical School of Economics? History of Political Economy, 1999.



Malcolm Rutherford. Veblen’s evolutionary programme: a promise unfulfilled. Cambridge Journal ofEconomics, 1988.

Oliver E. Williamson. The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead. Journal of Economic Literature, 2000.


Robert W. Dimand. Fisher and Veblen: Two Paths for American Economics. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 1998.

Robert Fogel. The Specification Problem in Economic History. Journal of Economic History, 1967.
